Be sure to check out exclusive Move, Rest, Recover audio and video practices, glimpses behind the scenes, guest interviews, and additional resources for your rest and recovery right here on Balance Practice.
My new book, Move, Rest, Recover, is coming out in January! It’s a practical workbook designed to help you create a recovery practice that supports you in performing and feeling better in all aspects of life. I wrote it to help you catch your breath and feel the difference in the moments when you need rest the most.
Recovery is the most readily available yet underutilized tool for well-being, the counterbalance to your active lifestyle that allows you to rise to the ever-increasing pace and demands of life. Supporting and facilitating rest has long felt like some of my most important work, and this book is my response to the most stark imbalance I’ve consistently seen over the last 20 years of teaching yoga to everyone from pro athletes to mothers to office workers, and to everyone living at the intersection of many demanding contexts — the imbalance between working and resting.
Why should I rest and recover?
How do I know when to stop and rest?
When I stop, what should I do?
This book explores these questions and connects the dots of how to make rest work for you every day, in your unique way — knowing that if your practice doesn’t fit in your real life, it won’t work. It aims to fine tune your awareness of how you are (really) and to equip you with the knowledge, understanding, and skills to respond in the moment with resets that truly work for you.
Through reflection, writing prompts, and accessible mental and physical recovery tools, Move, Rest, Recover guides you to activate, strengthen, and sustain your restorative practice. You will learn to move through each day more effectively and with more ease, and use recovery to its full advantage to:
Decrease stress and tension
Absorb the benefits and gains of your efforts
Manage and solve physical pain
Increase your attentional capacity
Promote mental stability
Boost your immune system
Improve the quality of your sleep
And more
It’s been a true joy and honor to collaborate on this project with artist Rebekah MacKay, who has beautifully created inspiring imagery and visual cues to help you access rest at a glance.
If you’ve practiced with me for a while you might be aware of my work with athletes as the founder of Athletes for Yoga, the only athlete-led, on-demand yoga video platform and app, coach training, and global community of athletes using yoga to achieve their goals. I love working with athletes, and I’ve also tired of the barrier the term “yoga for athletes” often creates when what I offer is in fact practical solutions for all of us. Move, Rest, Recover is way for you to access the same proven tools athletes benefit from (whether your consider yourself sporty or not).
Get yours
I made this book for you and I hope it serves you well.
If you’re tired of being tired and ready to rest easy even as life is happening, please pre-order now, which makes a massive difference to the book, and to me. Pre-orders are crucial for a book’s success because they broaden its reach by helping to determine marketing budgets, how many copies are stocked, international translations, and more. Simply put, pre-ordering this book will help more people to access it and benefit. I hope to get this into the hands of as many people as possible and I appreciate your support, deeply.
Thank you as ever for being here — I look forward to resting and recovering with you!
Huge congratulations. Looking forward to getting previews ot what's inside.