Shoots are breaking through the damp earth, dafs and crocuses decorating patches of grass like confetti, announcing spring’s approaching arrival. Party time (nearly). It’s fresh and blustery, sometimes still frosty — muddy, erratic, and turbulent. Winds of change are blowing, the balance shifting again.
What do these in-between weeks feel like in your body?
March is a hopeful albeit moody month. Keep one foot firmly planted in winter’s respite even as birdsong draws you out. Take a step forward, and embrace steps back. Rest into readiness. As you tune into the natural inward and outward motions of this time, feel for the balance that’s right for you, day by day and moment by moment. Use your breath to ebb and flow with the season’s unfurling, knowing that spring is a movement with an undulating lead that asks us to emerge gently.Â
Opening the month with a little roundup of what’s coming up for members in the season ahead, I hope to see you wherever/whenever feels right and look forward to practicing with you.
Brightly xx
A vision I’ve developed through the winter amid requests for more yoga practices, beginning 7th March I’ll be offering weekly videos. Each Friday members will receive a 5–20 minute session designed to support you to align mind and body, reset common imbalances, and relax deeply. Use them whenever you like, however you like.
You’ll also be invited to a monthly live practice online, more on that soon. Subscribe and I’ll see you on the mat!
Save the date! Next up in my seasonal yoga and writing collaboration with
— the spring edition of savour x Balance Practice at midday on 12th March. Join us online where I’ll lead an accessible, nourishing yoga practice to support your body to gently open into spring, and Alice will offer a short creative writing workshop to explore how we can write to make space and harness our attention as we move into lighter days.ÂIt’s entirely free for our member communities and we’ll send out the replay after — 45 minutes, just for you.
Weekly writings
Members will continue to receive new writing each Sunday — seasonal insights, tools, and prompts to inspired and support balance, whatever that looks like for you. Our monthly guest feature — Practice Ways — also returns this month, offering new reference points on the themes of balance and practice from other writers, coaches, makers, and creatives.
Move, Rest, Recover
Just out in January, this book is your practical guide to creating a restorative practice that truly works for you. Rest, yes! I wrote it to help you catch your breath and feel the difference in the moments when you need rest the most.Â
Get a copy wherever you like to buy your books, or purchase your limited edition signed copy of Move, Rest, Recover directly from me, which includes a free month of Balance Practice sent to the same email you’ve ordered with. (If you’re already a member I’ll extend your subscription by a month.) I’ll also send you an exclusive art notecard from the book, made by artist Rebekah MacKay.
Together — join the community
Practice is better when we do it together. If you’d like receive these offerings and be part of a likeminded community to support your practice, subscribe now and enjoy 20% off your first year. As a member you can post comments and join the conversation, and you’ll also gain access to the full body of work I’ve created here on Balance Practice (nearly 2 years of content), along with new writing and yoga added weekly.